Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Isagenix day number....well, near the end of the month!

Well, i'm almost done a full month on the Isagenix 30 day nutritional cleanse. I can honestly say I don't believe it's all crap. I feel better. I do have more energy (aside from a damn URI I seem to have acquired) and have definitely lost weight. Those things aside, my IBS is GONE GONE GONE !

I have NEVER resorted to buying things on a MLM type basis but this is different. I KNOW people who have retired selling this product and I KNOW people who have had good results with it. I told myself it was different if I actually knew the people who were a part of it.....

So ....the journey...it began October 2010. I got a cold. The first of the year, kids back to school, snot everywhere type of cold! Cept-it didn't go away. It took 2 months of being on Prednisone for me to say..enough is enough......
The good news-? I quit smoking. Feeling like shit has its benefits :)......

The bad news-? There isn't really any.....once I decided to quit smoking, I decided it was time for me! Seeing as I always have a kid hanging off my kneecaps, I made the executive decision to try and make time for me...regardless of other people or their schedules. Selfish huh?

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